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“JavaScript sucks.
Our code suck less.” © Oleksii Kuznietsov
Story /
I am Alex (Oleksii) Kuznietsov aka UtilMind.
I have created tons of software since 1992 when
I started programming in Turbo Pascal for MS-DOS. More bio will be added soon.
Originally I’m Ukrainian, but in October 2018 I have got American Green Card and moved to the Tampa Bay area, FL with my daughter. Currently I am still finishing projects into which I was involved before my move to USA, but already looking for interesting full-time job. After June 2019 I will be available for hire and ready to code 45 hours per week for $10k per month. Willing to relocate if required. (Preferable to San Francisco Bay area or Seatle.) |
What I am doing /
This website was abandoned for 18 years. Now I'm about to relaunch
it to share my thoughts, ideas, code snippets, sketches and drafts,
examples of my work and other stuff (useful and not too much).
Most of code which I share here is freeware, some is cheap shareware.
Photo gallery: (section temporary unavailable)
Let’s talk /